Thursday, April 17, 2014

Let’s Play Super Metroid (Blind): Intro

(Cropping things out takes so much effort.  Fact: I am lazy.)

Originally, the first game after redownloading Snes9X that I was planning on going through was Super Mario RPG.  Buuuut after seeing a shit ton of reviews for the ROM saying that it was really buggy, I went onto a different game.  Yeah, I could have just tried to search for a different one to download, but that takes like…3 seconds to type in and search on google and hell…that is just too much effort.  (In other words: I didn’t feel like it.)

Of course this game would be on the top downloads list, and after staring at the title just for a minute, I figured that this should be the startup game.  To be completely honest, I have never played any of the Metroid games.  I know of Samus mostly through the Super Smash Brothers games and the internet, I suppose.  But despite that, I admire her as a character (prior to Other M, because I did read synopses of that and I wanted to smash faces…but it appeared I would need to get in a line so at least I found comfort in solidarity).  And, after hearing so much about how boss this game is in terms of storyline and difficulty, it became the one I wanted to get on, essentially.  

Now, from my understanding, first LPs should not be blind, but I said fuck that because…I don’t know.  I guess I don’t care about following the conventional guidelines.  And I just really want to play this game.  Again, just for…reasons, I suppose, I want to reiterate what this blog’s description highlights: I’m not necessarily good, especially since I usually am a console gamer and right now I am sans controller.  Sadface.  But I will try my best!  So please do not take any of this as a guide.  Really I just want to have fun and everything.  I hope it will be entertaining at the very least?  Hopefully.  (Honestly, I really need some sort of hobby or something to focus my energy on that isn’t graduate school because that shit is sucking the life out of me and wahhhh.)

Alright, enough of that.

As of now I’m unsure if I want to post screens or vids, and while I’m aware vids are usually the way to go with non-text based games, I wonder if vids will get boring and shiz because I most likely will get lost and die a lot.  That would mean editing.  Which I am terrible at.  We will see.

So yeah, Super Metroid blind it is!

I might regret this terribly.


  1. I did some LPs a few years back- some by myself and some screwing about with others. Terrible camera work [and I literally mean a camera pointed at a tv- yeah, I went 'there] but it was fun and others seems to enjoy it. I hope to see more of this. Since reading your other blog, I thought you were cool, this confirms it. ;)

    1. Ah sweet, I'll definitely watch! And psh, terrible camera work is actually the best camera work, and as long as you guys had fun and everything then that is all that matters! I am planning on starting hopefully soon...I just procrastinated a lot on my schoolwork so I need to do a lot of that today unfortunately. Sob. And ahh thank you! Really I'm just a big dork aha but I'm glad you think so and stuff! :D

    2. I won't hold you to that ;) I know how you busy you are. But it will be a pleasure to watch yours, I'm sure. Big dork? you are also very open and honest, intelligent and you have a good sense of humour.
