Sunday, May 4, 2014

Admin: Finals

So it has been, what...two weeks since I posted anything here?  Which is bad, because I do really want to keep this alive and stuff!  But, as people know, this time of year is finals time for most U.S. college/grad students, so I've been struggling to even keep my head above water, so to say.

I did get my controller adapter, so my plan is to start Super Metroid (and others perhaps too!) as soon as I get the chance.  I know I spend some free time doing other things, but I'm afraid to get too invested in something outside of school at the moment.  It is hard enough for me to try and muster up the motivation to finish things.  Adding in something else that would be super fun to do is just me asking to fail.

In my continued absence, I will say this to anyone who is interested: if you have yet to watch The Room, please do it.  You will not regret it at all, I promise.

Also The Winter Soldier?  Awesome.  In my opinion.

Alright.  Sorry, and good luck to those of you with finals!  I am rooting for all of you!

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